Association management
Are you looking for a solution to manage your association? Then you’ve come to the right place. Try MyScol
Manage your Association easily with MyScol thanks to its many functions
Les associations étudiantes jouent un rôle clé dans la structure sociale de l’école en aidant à planifier les activités, à encourager l’interaction sociale et l’apprentissage global. La participation à ces activités est volontaire, et les étudiants ont ainsi l’opportunité de développer leurs compétences de leadership, de collaboration et d’innovation.
Types of school associations

Parents' Association :
The aim of this organisation is to improve communication and cooperation between parents and the school. By working to create a strong partnership between families and the school, it provides ongoing support for school activities and programmes. In addition, it aims to increase parental involvement in educational decision-making and provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and enquiries between parents and the school.
School Sports Association :
Focused on organising sporting events and school activities, this association aims to promote physical activity and fitness among students. It organises sports competitions, offre additional training and opportunities to participate in sports teams. The values of collaboration and teamwork are emphasised, helping to develop leadership and self-discipline in students.

Association for the Development of School Cooperation :
The aim is to strengthen cooperation and cohesion between students, teachers and the school administration. The association organises workshops and events that encourage communication and the development of teamwork and cooperation skills. Creating this positive and stimulating learning environment is essential to improving interaction between students and with the university.
Association for cultural and social activities :
It aims to promote the cultural and social dimension of students through a range of events and activities. Plays, art exhibitions, seminars, conferences, cultural festivals and trips are on the programme. The association is committed to increasing students’ awareness of cultures and social issues while offranting them enriching learning experiences that foster leadership and communication skills.

Its objectives

There are a number of aims pursued by associations active in school life, including :
- Enhancing the student experience:Active School Life Associations aim to enhance the student experience within the school. They efforcent to provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment that reinforces pupils’ desire to learn and actively engage.
- Promoting communication and cooperation:The associations seek to improve communication and cooperation between pupils, teachers, parents and the school administration. This is achieved by organising events and activities that encourage interaction, the exchange of ideas and experiences, and foster team spirit and cooperation.
- Promoting student participation:The associations seek to encourage the active participation of students in school life. They offrent students the opportunity to participate in school decision-making and in the organisation of activities and events, which helps to develop their leadership and organisational skills.
- Support and assistance:The aim of the associations is to provide support and assistance to students, parents and teachers. This may include the provision of necessary material and technical resources and teaching equipment, as well as guidance and advice to help students achieve their academic and personal goals.
- Encouraging personal development and skills: The associations seek to encourage students’ personal development and the development of their life and social skills. They organise workshops, training courses and additional educational activities that help students develop communication, leadership, problem-solving and teamwork skills.
Managing associations with MyScol

Managing memberships and subscriptions :
- The MyScol application is used to manage the records of members and participants in school associations. Teachers and school administrators can register students and parents as association members and track their attendance and participation in activities.

Planning activities and events :
- The MyScol application provides a system for planning activities and events for school associations. Teachers, students and parents can consult the calendar, schedule and location of events via the application. They can also receive alerts and reminders about important events.
Communicating and sharing :
- L’application MyScol permet aux membres des associations scolaires de communiquer facilement. Les enseignants, les élèves et les parents peuvent communiquer ensemble via des messages texte ou des notifications intégrées à l’application. L’application leur permet également de partager des fichiers et des documents liés à l’association et d’échanger des idées et des suggestions.

Financial management :
- The MyScol application makes it easier to manage the resources and budget allocated to school associations. School management can track expenditure and income and manage the resources available for each association. The application can also be used to submit requests for financial or material support for associations.
Reports and analyses :
- MySchool provides detailed reports and analysis of school association performance. The school administration can monitor the implementation of activities and student participation, and use the reports to improve the associations and make strategic decisions.

By using the MyScol school management application, it is possible to facilitate and improve the management of associations active in school life, improve communication and cooperation between association members, and achieve their objectives in an efficient and efficient way.